Monday, April 11, 2011

Day one

On this rainy Monday morning, I begin two days of appointments. This morning I see the plastic surgeon to talk about options for my prophylactic double mastectomy. Whenever I mention this surgery, I watch people flinch. It's almost as if they're questioning the need for such an extreme procedure when I don't have breast cancer.

In my head sometimes, I wonder about its need. I think about the pain and recovery; the physical and mental adjustments. While I'm not overly attached to my breasts, they are part of me. I'm sure the whole process will affect me profoundly.

But when I explain why I'd undergo the surgery, I realize I haven't really got a choice. I have the BRCA-1 gene. It's obviously broken, and as a result, doesn't recognize cancer cells as bad and kill them - hence the ovarian cancer. Even though I've cut my risk of breast cancer in half through removal of my uterus and ovaries, it's still heart-stopping 45 per cent. And the risk only increases as I get older.

While I'm taking Olaparib, which is designed to replace the role of my broken gene, it's still experiemental. I have no guarantees. I'm praying with every fibre of my being it's the next wonder drug because then it'll keep my ovarian cancer under control. Theoretically, it would also prevent genetically induced breast cancer.

But I'm not willing to roll the dice with my life. Almost 50/50 odds are NOT acceptable to me. I don't want to have to fight breast cancer too.

So I'll seriously discuss the reconstruction options with the plastic surgeon today and make the decision that works for me.



  1. Pardon the expression, but HOLY BALLS. That's an intense day you've got. Both your mantras are totally applicable today. I hope it all goes well, and that your options are the best possible ones available!

  2. Well, look on the good side,,, once you have the reconstructive surgery, they'll be perky again!! Make them take some belly fat!! You know Tina, having the same broken gene, I've also contemplated the surgery many many times, if nothing else, but for the perky breasts. I wonder what type of broken gene I would need to get a butt lift...? Hey, I'm just sayin'...
    Good luck to you my girl, and thanks for spending the weekend at the spa.
    Love you ... xoxoxo

  3. Thinking about you today, as I so often do, and marvelling at your strength.

