I believe in angels.
These heavenly creatures execute their works in many ways. Sometimes they act through others. I've been fortunate to see the work of the earthly angels a lot in the last year and a half. Despite their mere mortal status, the members of my village perform the work of angels regularly.
Today, my friend Rachael, is dedicating her whole day to whisking me to Hamilton for a series of appointments (and my friend, Amanda did the same thing last week). Today, I have an ultrasound at 10 a.m. to mark the biggest pocket of ascites in my belly. Then we have to wait around until my blood draw at 1:30, where they'll discover my white blood cells climbed even higher.
At 2:15, I meet with Dr. M (Dr. H is still on vacation) and my research nurse, C. They'll talk about my experience over the past three weeks and then Dr. M will perform paracentisis (draining my belly with a long needle). Is it wrong that I'm anticipating the relief the procedure is going to bring?
So it's going to be a long, tedious day. I gave Rachael the chance to opt out of all the trekking around the hospital and plunking our butts in waiting rooms, but she gleefully insisted on accompanying me. She explained this task gave her the opportunity to do something, be part of active duty, rather than sit cheering on the sidelines as I fight cancer. So she's my driving/company angel for today.
I have lots of angels, offering help, bringing food, touching base and praying for me. I am so blessed.
Your thankful friend,
You know, angels prefer the company of other angels. Huh. Imagine that.