Sunday, July 11, 2010

As good as it gets

I'm slowly getting better and as a result, my mood has improved. I'm not exactly where I'd like to be five days prior to round two of chemo (hopefully), but I'll be thankful for what I've got.

My tastebuds are back. I am enjoying coffee and food again. Yay! Last night we barbequed a beautiful pork tenderloin for dinner. It was fabulous to be able to enjoy the smoky, sweet meat. I also managed to quaff a couple of beers, with no ill effects. Aaahhh, cold beverages on the patio in summertime. That's what it's all about.

But I still have a bit of a cough, which triggers my weak stomach. As a result, I've brought up that first cup of coffee the past two mornings. But it's a minor blip and I carry on. No sense lamenting regurgitated coffee. Or is that, crying over spilt milk? Whatever.

My mood is better and my stomach is less upset. If I could get rid of the phleghm and the cough, I think my gastro issues would be gone. It's about time.

My other major problem is the ascities. My poor abdomen is so full of fluid again, it looks as though I'm going to give birth within the next month. I seriously look pregnant. The fluid is pushing on my ribs, which at times generates great pain. It's getting to the point where I'd welcome the long needle that drains my belly and provides relief.

So, ironically, I can now taste the food and eat, but my stomach is so squished by the fluid that I can't consume much. Just my luck.

The big belly creates a whole bunch of uncomfortable issues. Standing too long is difficult. Sitting in certain chairs or car seats makes my back hurt. Certain tasks are more challenging.

But thank God for my mother-in-law. She stopped by yesterday to drop off a present for me (a kind gesture in itself). I was complaining about my ascities and talking about how I had to dust and clean the bathrooms. And God bless the woman, she volunteered to clean the bathrooms. It felt a bit weird, but she insisted and did a fabulous job. I was so thankful I could have cried. (In fact, I'm sure I would have cried if I had to scrub the tub.) So Jessie was an absolute lifesaver yesterday and I can't thank her enough.

Kindness comes in many forms. I'm constantly reminded I'm surrounded by thoughtful and loving people because of the unselfish acts I receive. I'm humbled, honoured and thankful.


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