Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Monsterous dream

Before my alarm clock so rudely awakened me this morning, my mind was caught in the complexities of a dream. It was actually more like a nightmare, with me struggling against an unknown, dark entity that kept grasping at my legs, trying to pull me into its unholy realm.

I don't remember a lot of the dream - details of my noctural movie-making don't last in my noggin long - but luckily, I remember kicking and fighting like crazy, freeing myself of the black, faceless beast.

Of course, in my half-awake state, my mind automatically made the connection between this dream and my fight with cancer. The disease is a persistent, evil, black, twisted monster that keeps trying to bring me into the darkness with the pain it causes by its presence. Unfortunately, the treatment to combat it also prods me into the edges of the darkness as well - but at least that's only temporary. I guess I have to venture into the beast's territory to execute my counter-attacks.

I vividly remember the violent kicking I executed in the dream, the loosening of the grasp and the feeling of rising from an inky depth. I recall the feeling of triumph. Let's hope this dream represents my reality and I'm breaking free from the cancer stranglehold to rise to new, and healthier, heights.


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