Friday, November 19, 2010

The wave

My strength and stamina are slowly returning. But it's obvious when I've had enough. Tiredness washes over me like a wave, leaving me lethargic and exhausted.

I really noticed this phenomenon last Sunday. I brought Noah to a friend's house for a hair cut. Another friend came over and we had a big ol' gabfest. About two hours into the visit, the wave hit and I felt like a giant lump sitting on her couch. I knew it was time to go.

When I experience this tiredness, it's almost too much effort to move my arm to scratch my nose. In the aftermath of the wave, I'm stiller and quieter. My eyes get heavy and feel like they're sinking into my face. I guess I get pale too because my research nurse commented on the colour I have this week (as opposed to the past two).

While the intervals between the waves seem to be getting longer, I never know when it will strike. As a result, I take advantage of my energetic times, try not to do too much and then rest when I'm tired. I know that's the only way I will get better.

It's aggravating, but I have to remember to take it one day at a time.


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