Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The weather is fitting

The rain and my mood match perfectly today. I don't feel brave or strong today - and I hate it. I know it's completely unrealistic to expect myself to be positive all the time because that's impossible. I'm a human being. But I've always had high expectations of myself. Perhaps I need to be a little kinder.

I had a great day yesterday. I got to enjoy the outdoors and some great company (my sister). By late afternoon however, I was tired. The stabbing pains in my legs came back. But I took some medication for the pain and to help me sleep, and I dosed almost peacefully for about 9 hours - something I haven't been able to do lately.

I was looking forward to having a lazy day to lounge on the couch, read and rest, but Noah had a rough start to the school day so he's now home with me and I am playing teacher too. I'll try to balance the roles. I think we get to study science!

My purpose for this blog is to update people and, in some small way, get my feelings out - regardless of what they may be. There will be good days and bad days, and there will be cheerful, strong, humerous blogs and scared, sad, tired blogs. Hopefully, in the long run, the good days/blogs outnumber the bad.

I thank you for taking this journey with me, wherever it goes.



  1. Darlin girl, it is so very important to get your feelings out, and when you have scared, sad and tired days, remember, we are all here for you in whatever capacity we need to be.

    For me, I am looking forward to taking this journey with you. We have known each other for a long time, but not really known each other, so this will give us both the opportunity to laugh, and cry and share our inner most feelings.

    Take care darlin girl. I am truly blessed to have you in my life.

    Love Jane

  2. Hello Mrs Bratscher,
    You're entitled to your feelings, all of them. It's like Mikey said the other day, eat when you're hungry, sleep when you're tired, but cry if you need to, it's ok, there's nothing wrong with it. Better to let it out than INTERNALIZE... hahah..

  3. Hey Tina
    its o.k. if you let out your feelings. You dont have to operate like a robot. You are a human being with feelings. Don´t expect to much from yourself.
    If you feel to cry, cry. If you feel laughin, laugh. No one is expecting that you put away your feelings. Be selfish for a while, now its your turn.

    Take care of yourself!
    Love Renate

  4. Tina, look at it this way...This is probably one of the few times where you can actually say that you can do what you want when you want and really not have to worry about 'am I doing the right thing?'.

    Take care and enjoy playing science teacher!

  5. I hope there are more cheerful, strong, humerous blogs than scared, sad, tired blogs.

    And I agree with everyone's comments. Be selfish... sleep when you want, watch your favourite TV shows, and catch up on your reading.

  6. We are sorry that you are feeling sad and scared today. We pray that tomorrow will be a little bit brighter.
    Love Cheryl & Reg
