Thursday, April 30, 2009

My sister, my friend

Angie and I grew up in the country, with a creek in our backyard and acres of land to roam. We swam for hours in the creek, climbed the trees in the orchard next door and rode our bikes for hours down the dead-end gravel road. What our "neighbourhood" didn't have were lots of other kids. So I played with Angie - or no one.

Over the years, we went our separate ways, attending different universities, living in different cities, carving out our own niches in life. Despite distance, husbands, kids (we have five between the two of us) and careers, we've always kept in touch. Or in touch as our busy lives allowed.

When the doctor phoned with the cancer diagnosis, I told Angie second (after Michael). And like the amazing sister she is, she's stepped up to the plate to battle by my side. Despite living 1-1/2 hours away, she's come to emergency, my first oncologist appointment, my chemo treatment and just to visit (and paint my toes). She brushes aside my pronouncements she doesn't have to be present for everything or make the trip to London as often. She rolls her eyes and tells me she'll see me again soon.

She's a steady rock in this storm - I think for both me and Michael. She has the medical knowledge to help calm my fears, she's my notetaker and extra set of ears during appointments, she asks the questions that flit out of my head when I'm talking to the health care professionals.

Through this terrible ordeal, I know I'm going to gain an even deeper relationship with Angie. She's not only my sister, she's one of my best friends.

I'm a lucky woman.


  1. Darlin girl. Thank you so very much for this entry. I can totally relate to this relationship. My youngest sister and I are the very best of friends. We are there for each other every day in some capacity.

    I love my sister dearly, and the bond we share is forever sealed.

    Like you, I am a very lucky woman.

    Appreciate this relationship every day, and it will help you through this journey.

    Take care.

    Love Jane

  2. Hi honey... you're killing me here... BIG TEARS.
    I feel exactly the same with Minnie. She is my friend, my sounding board, my strength,my back up singer (R E S P E C T) my sister and I love her dearly. I understand exactly what you mean. It's very comforting to know that someone is there beside you, supporting you, helping you, cheering for you, and also has the same stories, same memories, and the same heritage. Treasure her like I'm sure she treasures you, a sisters love is a precious thing. (that's why you're my sista from anotha mista)

  3. Tina! That was so sweet.

    My sisters and I have always passed between each other cards/mugs/etc that have "My sister, my friend" on them... At first we joked about it being so sentimental and then we realized we meant it...

    I'm so glad you and Michael have such a great rock in this storm.


  4. Tina
    Have a great week-end Tina, you deserve it. Thank you for taking time to right each day this week. It always gives us food for thought. Maybe you should think about switching jobs You could be competition for some physiotherapist out there. Take care
    Love Cheryl & Reg

  5. My eyes just SWELLED up reading this. You are so blessed to have a wonderful sister and what a bonus that she is your friend too! I know that speaking from experience, I have grown closer to my brother the past couple of years and particularly more since Ma passed away... Your family is always there...that is for sure! And here is saluting to Angie...for being your "rock"!

    Love you girl!
