Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Boring me

Wow, am I ever going to get boring. In a way, that makes me very happy because that means I'm living a normal life, with the same types of joys, successes, setbacks and tribulations as everyone else.

As my friend, Diane, commented on my blog when I questioned what to say about my situation, I can say I've beaten cancer when I start living again. I'm jumping head-first back into living, getting my hair cut, making plans and setting goals. So, I guess I've beaten cancer.

But going back to normal living means I don't really have anything to write about. Who wants to hear about how I went to the gym and yet again feel the tuggings of my scar tissue from too many sit ups, or how my visit with the social worker revealed I'm extremely worried about the grade 7 struggles of my son? Everyone has their own hurdles to overcome in their lives, and their own successes and blessing for which to celebrate. (Don't forget to do that.)

So, where does that leave me? I enjoy writing my blog. If I hear you correctly, you enjoy reading it. But I think I'll get tedious fast if I write every day. I guess I'll write when I think I have something interesting or insightful to say. Or when I can update you on my cancer journey.

For example, I went to my family doctor yesterday to talk about what I thought might be a urinary tract infection. Nope. Apparently, because of my hysterectomy/oopherectomy, I don't produce estrogen any more, which results in dryness. Oh great, another symptom of early menopause with which I'm challenged. But hey, it's a fairly minor inconvenience and it could be worse.

So, in short, I'll write periodically because I really enjoy it. I may rant a la Rick Mercer or contemplate the good things in life. Blogging helps me process events and it reminds me to be thankful for every single day. In fact, I commented about the pretty falling snow this morning. Yes, I realize many cursed the white stuff streaming down, but I was happy I found something good about this cold, snowy morning.

To me, that's what living is all about.


1 comment:

  1. hurray for a boring Tina!!!!!!! Honey, you'll never be boring.. maybe we can share stories on your blog (granted, I'm sure none of us can write to YOUR quality...!haha)
    so today my blog is...
    I'm too fat...
    Your turn...
