Tuesday, February 1, 2011

True love

"There was a part of me at the beginning of our marriage that thought, I'm cool alone. I love him but I'm strong enough to handle life without him. But now he is the person I count on to live and walk through life with. It's a dependency that is there and large and real and profound."

- Kyra Sedgwick, married 22 years to fellow actor, Kevin Bacon

This quote resonated with me because it explains how I feel about Michael. When I met him, I was a strong, independent, single woman who was perfectly capable of doing many things for myself. I didn't need a man to do tasks for me. I didn't date simply to have a guy in my life. If he wasn't the right man, I wasn't going to waste my time (or his). I was better off by myself.

As a result, I took an auto mechanics class and fixed several things on my first car, a 1984 VW Rabbit diesel. I assembled and took apart my waterbed several times by myself. I hooked up the electronics and moved all the furniture. I was woman, hear me roar.

I did want the companionship, friendship and love a relationship would bring, but I was tired of all the jerks I'd met. So in the spring of 1993, I decided to focus on myself and my friends, and have a good time. Within weeks, Michael came into my life - and we've been inseparable ever since. I'd heard, "Stop looking and love will find you." When I did just that, the old addage came true.

Shortly after we started dating, he was helping me move. He wielded the drill as we put together my waterbed. I turned to him and said I was perfectly capable of this chore by myself and I was letting him help me. Too funny. Now I let him assemble furniture and configure electronics because he's better at it - and enjoys it more - than I do. I think that's a natural progression in a relationship.

Michael is my soul mate. I can't imagine walking through life without him. Like Kyra, at one time I believed I was strong enough to handle life without him. I'm still strong, but Michael and I are stronger together. We're two pieces that when combined become a formidable strength.

He's given me strength during my battles with cancer, he brings me joy, love and companionship. I depend on him, and he me. We're a great team.

So on this first day of February, I declare my love for and dependence on my husband, Michael. (I know, I'm a bit early for Valentine's Day, but I'm in the right month.) Like Kyra and Kevin, we're working on a marriage for the long haul.


1 comment:

  1. :-) this is exactly the way I hope to be feeling years after I am married (whenever that day may come?!). So happy you have found this kind of love!
