Monday, October 10, 2011

Happy turkey day

I was eagerly anticipating real food for breakfast this morning, so you can imagine my disappointment when I got orange jello, orange juice, coffee (which I drink with milk and could only have black - blech). I didn't realize the doctor had to change the orders today before I got real food.

He stopped in around 10:30 a.m. and I guess since I didn't vomit up the clear liquids, he said I could have real food. In other words, he didn't ask how I felt or how I thought it was going, but looked at my chart and made a decision.

As a result, I was really looking forward to lunch. When the tray arrived, it once again held only clear liquids. I reiterated the doctor's diet change but was told the order probably didn't get put through in time so I was still on clear liquids. So I sipped up the veggie broth, but I couldn't eat another jello nor did I want the grape nectar. When another porter came to get my tray, I mentioned my sad situation and she took action. She scrounged some food for me so I could eat.

I noshed on a turkey sandwich, half a piece of nut bread and some cranberry juice. I was brought so much food, I have leftovers: vanilla pudding, apple sauce, social tea cookies. I'll never eat it all, so I'll send some home. I go from fast to feast.

Turkey is the theme of this Thanksgiving day because I got two slices of it for dinner with mashed potatoes, gravy and mixed veggies. I was able to consume about half the meal with some apple juice before my tummy said, "Enough. I'm full." It doesn't take much to fill me up now. But I've got a lovely piece of carrot cake and some Carnation Instant Breakfast if I want something later. (I suspect the carrot cake will be the first priority.)

I've got some cramping and gas, which my nurse says is normal when reintroducing food. It also feels weird to feel full. The important thing is I don't have any nausea or vomiting. So far, so good.

I got half my staples out today. If the incision stays together and continues to look good, the other half will come out tomorrow. Wow, another step forward. The docs were also talking about taking out one of my drain tubes. The one that drains the most gets blocked by blood clots, so I'm not sure which they'll take out before sending me home. I suspect the removal will hurt, but it will be good to be down to one drain.

One day at a time. Every hurdle I jump is one step closer to going home.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian friends.


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