Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Don't hold my breath

I'm not surprised. I've ceased being amazed  by how long everything takes around here. Yup, you guessed it, I didn't get my PICC line today. I stayed close to my room all day waiting for them to come get me for the procedure. So I didn't make it outside to get fresh air or visit the butterfly garden. I didn't even make it off the floor. I only managed to travel several laps around it. Not exciting, and a little depressing.

Tonight, a nurse discovered one of my two IV sites was failing. So she had to find another. Luckily, after two tries she did and managed to draw blood from it before inserting the IV. Unfortunately, it's right in the crook of my arm, which is typically unstable because it gets bothered when bent. Then it sets the tranfusing machine beeping and that can only be resolved when I call a nurse. It's tedious. And then I have to be very careful about how I use my arm. My movement is already a little limited.

The good news is they managed to fill up several tubes of blood so they can run some lab tests. I don't like that I'm sitting here, not eating and they couldn't draw enough of the red stuff to make sure the big fast isn't screwing with all my levels too much. Now they can run the labs. If something is completely out of whack, it only provides more evidence they need the PICC line stat.

I suspect I'll get it tomorrow. While I knew better than to hold my breath about it today, if something doesn't happen by about mid-day tomorrow, I may have to throw a hissy fit. For me, that will probably involve a lot of tears and ranting. It wouldn't be pretty. Hopefully I'll make a trip to radiology tomorrow morning and that will prevent the ugly scene.

Tonight, I'll try to get some rest, not think about food and wait for tomorrow.


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