Friday, December 30, 2011

Archangel Raphael

Yesterday morning, I sat at my desk contemplating my situation. My belly is swelling with ascities (and possibly gas) and, as a result, I wonder if the chemo cocktail I'm taking is actually working. I figured at least this side effect would be much less, if not completely gone by now.

So as I did my angel card reading, these thoughts and worries swirled around in my mind. I asked God to give me guidance and direction. I asked the angels to speak to me. And I pulled one of the two big gun angels: Archangel Raphael.

His description says: "The healing angel is with you, supporting your healing work. Your prayers for healing (for yourself or others) has been heard and answered by Archangel Raphael, the supreme healer."

Drawing this card gave me comfort and hope. As a result, I trust the treatment is doing something to fight the cancer, even if it ultimately isn't the only one I receive. It may be completely psychological, but I'm sure even mental hope and trust can go a long way in the healing process. I believe in God and angels, so the appearance of Archangel Raphael card lifts my spirits.

That can't be a bad thing.


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