Monday, November 15, 2010

The to-do list

I love lists. They keep me organized and on track. These days I need them even more because I've discovered chemo brain - and its ability to make things flit from my mind never to be found again - has affected me more this time around. I get a feeling of satisfaction when I cross accomplished items off the list.

But I have to be careful. While lists can be super useful to get chores accomplished, I can't tie myself to one. Sometimes I have to cut the strings and just be spontaneous. Many of the most enjoyable things in life won't be written on my list. These multiple tasks don't tend to capture the fun things in life, but instead record items like clean the house, call the teachers, complain about the service at a particular store, make doctor's appointments, etc. No fun at all.

That's not to say I don't write tasks that lead to fun items: make dinner plans, schedule a coffee date, book train tickets or schedule a massage. But lists definitely don't capture the spontaneity of running into a friend and talking for half an hour, jumping in the leaves (instead of raking them), talking on the phone to an old roommate or going for a walk with the dog on a beautiful day.

As Kris Carr so wisely wrote in her book Crazy sexy cancer tips:

"So often we wait for all our ducks to be in a row, our closets to be neat and tidy, and our endless to-do lists to be checked off before we allow ourselves to have fun. We believe that only after we get all our "stuff" done can be take a deep breath and live.

"Well, cancer doesn't wait for order. In fact, it thrives on chaos. Breathe now. Burn the lists, and let the dust bunnies roll like tumbleweeks. Narrow your focus on what really matters: you."

Doing so may mean my house isn't the cleanest and it takes me longer to get some of my documented tasks done, but it's because I'm out there living. I can't wait until I accomplish everything I think I should do because that list will never end. Time to spend doing the things that make life worth living will.

What have you done lately just for fun?



  1. Good blog today! I can't remember the last thing I did just for fun. That CLEARLY means I need to do something fun.
    Thanks Tina!! :D

  2. i guess you won't mind if the house is kicked this weekend when you show up right??? it was on our 'to do' list this week...
    I just want to burn leaves... hahah,, I'll have fun tonight burning but I'll get back on that list tomorrow so you don't have to sleep on the floor..
    sometimes you just gotta have fun and let the world of responsibilty stop for a few hours..

  3. I love lists, too! Inherited from my father. However, I love fun, so it's a good balance. On my to-do-list for fun: print out our tickets for opening night for Harry Potter, plan our dinner out for Western Canada Theatre's production of A Christmas Carol, pull the skis out and see what fits which kid (well, maybe that's not so fun, but getting on the trails is!). Also, making pop can walls for my greywater planters (I actually like making these walls simply for the joy of laying those pop cans). Have a fun week Tina!

  4. Maddie and I played find the small rocks in the big leaf pile. It was a race - Survivor style (minus the million dollars at the end).

  5. I have lived, and will die, by my to-do lists. Interesting you mention Kris Carr's saying we need to have more fun. When I spoke to her last week, that was her exact advice to me. While Saturday my husband & I had a great time visiting old friends, the next day I was back to my to-do lists. Perhaps I need to put "have more fun" on my to-do list.

  6. Tina, Just a great post. My husband is a real list person and me, not so much. I probably should be now with the chemo brain thing still going on. Since cancer, cleaning my house has dropped way down on the list, if I had a list. My husband and I have taken drives several weekends this fall, just for fun. My dogs are always good ones to turn to for moments of fun. I love to watch a good movie for fun and eat Chinese takeout.
