Monday, November 8, 2010

Too much gas

Pain = gas?
Much to my chagrin, the pain under my left rib is back. I know from the results of my CT scan, my abdomen isn't full of fluid pressing against my ribs, as I initially feared. So I'm guessing this is some severe gas or a gastrointestinal bug tormenting my gut.

The pain started last night at bedtime, preventing me from sleeping on my left side. It woke me several times during the night as I tried to turn over. This morning, it's pressing, pressing, pressing, preventing me from sneezing or coughing.

I find I fill up with gas while I'm taking Olaparib. Toward the end of last week, the weekend, the feeling of acid or food stuck at the base of my throat returned. It's an unpleasant feeling. I don't want to continuously rely on antacids or Gaviscon, but those seem to be the only remedies to the situation. I'm going to chat with Dr. H and C on Wednesday about options.

I'm still tired, but it's not as oppressive as mid last week. My hemoglobin levels must be rising. Of course, it didn't help my recovery that I was busy with Noah's birthday celebrations on the weekend. They were fairly low key, but they still required some shopping, cleaning, baking and cooking.

Weekend blogs
You may have noticed I don't tend to blog on the weekends any more unless I have something new or important to report. I have a feeling readership drops off on the weekends too (which is why I don't feel compelled to write on Saturday and Sunday).

The lack of comments in general, made me wonder if people were still following my journey. But when I added the hits per week feature to my blog, I was surprised with the results. I guess lack of comments don't reflect the number of readers.

But remember, I love to hear from you, so feel free to add your thoughts at least once in a while. I've noticed some new followers, who've written supportive messages. Welcome and thank you.

It's a new week, full of opportunity. What are you going to do with it?



  1. As do I!

    And when I added that feature to my blog, I found that a lot of my traffic comes from people who frequent your page :-)

  2. Hi Tina. Always following your journey. XOXO, Steph

  3. Check for it everyday. We found with our blog that 99 percent of followers will never comment. Then they come into our yard and start talking about our house and I'm like, "WTH????" It is spooky sometimes...sorry you've got pain, glad you are not as tired.
