Friday, March 25, 2011

Seizing control back

I haven't been following my own advice lately. As a result, I've felt stressed, frustrated and unhappy. Yet, as two friends reminded me yesterday, I'm allowing it to happen and I'm being too hard on myself.

In a previous blog, I wrote, "I find that if I focus on the good things in my life, I diminish the power of the bad ones." Sometimes I can come up with good advice. It'd be better if I followed it.

I've allowed myself to get worked up about work, worried about fundraising for the Run for Ovarian Cancer, frustrated with my kids, bogged down by household responsibilities, and concerned about the delimmas of my friends.

I've been walking around with a scowl, which does nothing to help the wrinkle situation on my face and makes me unapproachable. I've been feeling heaviness in my shoulders and in my heart. My head's been whirlwind of lists and chores.

While I need to be supportive, sympathetic and responsible, I can't let these influences bring me down every day. I need to be a duck and let the waterfall of woes wash down my back.

So I'm going to try to do a better job of concentrating on the good things in my life because doings so makes me happier and helps me realize how lucky I am. In the end, many of  these worries that have been plaguing me don't matter in the grand scheme of things. So today, I'm going to list five things for which I'm thankful:

1. My family - I have a husband and kids who are fun, supportive and love me unconditionally. I have an awesome sister with whom I communicate daiily and am planning the second annual sisters' getaway. My parents, in-laws and extended family (aunts, cousins, etc.) are always willing to lend a hand or cheer me on.

2. My friends - I am so lucky to have so many wonderful people in my life who listen to and commiserate with me. They encourage me, give me hugs, bring me food, offer shoulders to cry on and celebrate my successes. They help remind me I'm not alone and what's really important.

3. Health - While I still have cancer in my body, I think it's still sleeping. (Shhhh, don't wake it.) I am getting stronger and feeling good. Michael's back is steadily healing and he's back at work. Noah is getting more mental health support and is maturing, so things are improving for him (although he's suspended for fighting right now). It'd be easy to concentrate on the bad when it comes to our health situations, but it's far more uplifting to concentrate on the good.

4. It's Friday. It's jeans day at work. My daughter has pizza day and a dance-a-thon. We have no strenuous plans for the weekend beyond riding lessons, drinking wine and sitting in the hot tub. Life is good. (The only thing that would make it better is if it were pay day.)

5. I'm reading an interesting book - and I'll probably get a chance to read more of it on the weekend. I received The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and The Girl Who Played with Fire as a gift a couple of weekends ago with the warning that I had to read past page 60 in the first book (because it's hard to get into). Well, I followed that good advice and tore through the first book. I'm now about a third of the way through the second and enjoying it immensely.

With my little list, I'm seizing back control of my mood and emotions. I refuse to be bogged down by negativity today. It's a beautiful day to be alive.

What's on your thankful list?



  1. I'm thankful for friends and family and John! And new opportunities that have come/are coming my way (more details to come!). And that spring is near! :-) Hope this weekend is good to you and puts you on a good track! XOXO

  2. Hey -- you'd better not be expending any energy worrying about me!!!

    BTW, hope you enjoy book #2 -- it was my least favourite (although I loved them all!) of the three.


  3. Tina, Loving thoughts are always coming at you even though we are hours away and immersed in our own lives. Life is a journey, and you are handing the expected pot holes in the road with grace and class. Everyone can benefit from slowing or stopping the neverending lists and musts, and enjoy the present and those who enjoy that time with you. Have a glass of wine for me!! Love, your cuz!
