Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Sometimes I look in the mirror and marvel at how much I've aged in a year. It's been a tough one. My body, mind and emotions went through the ringer. Those types of experiences tend to age us mere mortals.

More wrinkles grace my face. Not only that, but my face is puffier than it was in the spring of 2009. Steroids, weight gain and eating whatever you crave can do that to a person. While I'm working on rectifying the situation, it's a long, uphill battle.

The silver strands sprinkled liberally throughout my hair also makes me think I look older. I know they existed last April, but I artfully covered them every five weeks or so. Some days I hate them, but most days I'm content with the grey. As one neighbour commented last week, it looks as though I've had my hair highlighted with silver. Sure, it's not the colour I would have chosen, but it could be worse.

One thing is certain, the short hair and lack of hair colour makes its daily styling so simple. I'm thankful to have hair after more than six months without. It returned thicker than ever. So I guess that's a bonus.

And while I've aged, with it I've gained wisdom and insight, which makes me a better person. Besides, getting older is far better than the alternative.

Here's to getting older, wiser and greyer, and earning more wrinkles - with lots of laughter and enjoyment along the way. After all, that's what life is all about.


1 comment:

  1. Going through such a traumatic time and losing your hair too certainly makes you a stronger person.. I've found i' more confident too.

    I'm so pleased your keeping well xx
