Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day four

The great art of life is sensation, to feel that we exist, even in pain.
- Lord Byron
We could never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world.
- Helen Keller
It's day four post chemo and these quotes sum up my feelings. But hopefully, this day will pass quickly and tomorrow will bring back wellness and optimistm. Then I'll be on the road to recovery once again.
Since this is my fourth round, I expect the compounding side effects to be worse, but I seem to be doing okay. The bone pain and the tiredness are my biggest complaints. But I now have some Tylenol #3 to help with the relentless bone pain. When I asked for a stronger pain killer at my appointment last week, my research nurse expressed amazement I'd lasted this long on extra strength Tylenol. So at least I know I'm not a whimp.
But I only want to take this stronger medication when absolutely necessary. Besides, it can cause constipation, which brings its own set of lovely side effects.
Last round I asked for some suggestions on what the bone pain could be in my ninja scenario. My mom came up with a good one. These ninjas need sustenance to keep fighting and killing, which they obtain from the bone marrow in my legs and feet (and a little in my arms and hands today). So the pain is these ninjas munching on what they need to keep slashing away at the cancer. Okay, do what you need to do, my little black friends.
So while my ninjas work, I'll once again have a low key day. But I can anticipate a long weekend with the side effects of round four behind me.
Here's looking forward,

1 comment:

  1. I hope you also have sound effects to go along with the images of the Ninjas. Hiiiiiiieeeeeee-YA! Ka-ching! Ka-ching! IIiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
    ... just sayin....
    I also LOVE the quotes!!! Whoop-Whoop!

    AND - Ricardo says HELLO and keep fightin! (From Calgary)
