Sunday, August 8, 2010

Early start

My computer boots up a little earlier in the Bratscher household on this Sunday morning. There are probably a couple of reasons for that.

I'm still taking dexamethasone, that anti-nausea, steroid drug. While it does crazy things to my body - like preventing sleep and intensifying bad moods - it's a necessary part of my cancer treatment.

According to Wikipedia, dexamaethasone augments the ondansetron to prevent the nausea and vomiting chemotherapy can cause. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant. Its potency is about 20-30 times that of the naturally occurring hormone hydrocortisone and 4-5 times of prednisone.

Yet, the two drugs didn't quite do the job, because at 1:30 a.m. I awoke feeling like I was going to vomit. Not good. I got up and took a prochlorazine, the little orange pills my doc prescribes for breakthrough nausea, and chewed a Gaviscon to prevent the feeling of acid and nausea crawling up my throat.

Luckily, after my middle-of-the-night pill raid, I was able to go back to sleep.

But shortly after four, I woke for the second time. Of course, I had to hit the bathroom again. My body is still trying to expel the abundance of fluids pushed into it via I.V. But after the noctural voiding, I lay in bed, listening to Michael breathing beside me, remembering the strange dreams I had and trying to ignore the oh-so-loud crickets.

I tried returning to the land of slumber for about an hour, with no luck. It was then that I realized I didn't take my lorazepam before bed last night. That's probably the reason for my restless night, strange dreams and inability to return to sleep. I hate it when that happens. In retrospect, I slept better than I would have thought considering the dexamethasone and absence of lorazepam.

So I decided to arise, brew some tea and have a little snack. And of course, get an early jump on my blog.

I'm not sure exactly what the day will bring. I anticipate my feelings of well-being will start to head downhill later. But for now, I feel good. I do suspect I'll try to squeeze in a nap later though to make up for my early morning. Sounds like a plan.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. holy cow,,, it's way too early in the morning,,, haven't even had a coffee yet and here I am, trying to reply to your blog... NOT a good idea!
    typos, run ons, HELMUT... HAHAH
    So, as I was saying in my last post (that I removed) we have had a virus come into the house and screw up the computer (frickin, frackin,,, stupid ninja virus), so I haven't been able to read or reply to your blogs.
    But here I am.. full of whit and humour today..
    Your CA-125 levels going down... HURRAY!! THAT my friend is FABULOUS news.. that means the chemo is working and it's killing those tiny mutant cells... great news!!
    Nausea,,, this is not such wonderful news... NOTHING worse than the feeling of having your tongue sweat before the initial.. BLAAAAAHHHHH!!
    hahah,,, (love the details heh?)After the initial one, all is good, your sinuses plug, and all your brain is screaming is FINISH!!!!!!! Don't know about you, but I find if your head is down in the toilet and your ass is up in the air, it helps...somehow... hahahah
    I'm happy you're having an ok time with this round so far.
    Have a great day.
    ps,, thought of you while we were playing in the waves Saturday morning...
