Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A bump back on track?

This morning almost feels like a turning point for me on this phase of my cancer journey. I may be completely delusion, or perhaps I'm just letting my hope run rampant, but I sense the paracentesis yesterday bumped me back on the track to getting or feeling better.

Oh, I know it's way too early to tell if that's really true. I can't go by the fact I ate dinner last night and enjoyed a cuppa joe this morning,without stomach isssues and vomiting. I also got a full night's sleep, which works wonders too. But overall, I feel hopeful. Funny, how sucking three litres of fluid from the abdomen can do that to a girl.

Maybe some unexplainable twinge in my subconscious says, "This will help those ninjas tackle those stupid cancer cells. They've been working really hard to slash them to pieces, but swimming through the ascities was slowing them down."

Perhaps I'm just tired of witnessing no tangible results from the chemotherapy treatments, so I'm using faith to project what I want to feel, see and happen - at least in my own mind.

In a couple of days, I may look back on this post and scoff at my optimism, but for today, I'm going to take care of myself, rest and recouperate, and believe.


1 comment:

  1. Weeeeeeeew! Yay for healing!!! Yay for 3L of gross fluid! Yay for eating and not barfing! Yay for Cancer DYING!!!! YAY!
