Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The seven dwarfs

I don't know why, but I woke up grumpy this morning. I shouldn't be. I should be happy. I feel well, I'm meeting friends for coffee today, I ate pancakes for breakfast and I see my therapist this morning. But for some reason, I'm grumpy.

It actually started last night. While I was cheerful and productive most of the day, it caught up with me after dinner. I was so sleepy, I could barely talk. I know I was terrible company.

I'm still tired this morning. I suspect it's due to low hemoglobin, which makes me worried it won't be high enough tomorrow to proceed with chemo on Friday. And I so want this chemo on Friday. I want the final one to flow through my veins and deliver the stealthy, deadly ninjas to the remaining cancer cells. I want to go through the side effects one more time and then start to feel better. I'm so tired of all this.

I guess I'm playing doc by predicting my blood cell counts. That portion of me is also a bit worried because I'm also sneezy this morning. My daughter has a cold, so I'm afraid I've caught the virus, which will lower my immune system even more. But I'm taking my vitamins, drinking juice and consuming my barley, hoping they will stave off the dreaded cold. I'd be dopey to do nothing to try to help my body along.

I won't be bashful when I see my doctor in Hamilton tomorrow because I want to hear the bottom line. I want to know my red and white blood cell counts, and my CA-125. I want to know the plan. But I'll continue to hope and pray everything is okay and chemo is a go.

Of course, I should add a few new dwarfs to my repitoire including: impatient, baldy, chunky, smiley and optimistic (not necessarily in that order).

So I guess you could say, I'm Tina, the 12 dwarfs. I have the stature for it.

From your short, multi-faceted friend,


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHA - This post ROCKS!!!! You are one brilliant writer.

  2. well I'm glad Bitchy and Whiny didn't show up! LOL

    thinking of you today.

  3. Can't you just picture the chemo dwarfs singing, "Hi ho, hi ho...." as off to work they go?!

  4. Tina, don't worry about being Grumpy. From a recent survey 6 out of 7 dwarfs aren't Happy either.

  5. Hi,

    I think you should stop taking coffee and food of heatiness.Some food such as peanuts,duck,mango
    should be avoided.
