Monday, October 4, 2010

The good week

I LOVE this week during my chemo cycles. During this time, I feel good, my body gets stronger and my mind is clearer, I can eat what I want (because my stomach isn't rebelling), when I want (because I don't have Olaparib time restrictions).

This is the week when I love life, and am able to go out there and enjoy it.

Michael and I had a productive weekend, which makes me feel good. We cleaned and organized parts of our house. While it wasn't the social weekend we had planned due to a mutant cold virus and my compromised immune system, I feel normal and productive. Hope you feel better, Di.

Of course, during this week of feeling good, I visit my doc in Hamilton and then (fingers crossed) have my LAST chemo treatment! C'mon red blood cells.

To prep for my blood-test appointment on Wednesday, I'll have to drink a couple of beers on Tuesday night to dehydrate myself. Oh the sacrifices I make. Alcohol just started agreeing with my stomach on Saturday, so I can now enjoy those medicinal beverages.

I have to admit, I'm eagerly anticipating this continuous feeling of well-being when the chemo treatments are done. Thankfully, that's just around the corner.

Happy Monday.


  1. Beer!? O.M.G. What a nightmare! Pick a really, really good one! Thinking about you, dear. The Fat Lady is warming up, ready to sing for you.

  2. Is there such a thing as a really good beer???? :)))) I've never warmed up to it in all these years....would a lovely Merlot work the same wonders???? Here's hoping for good news this week!

  3. Tina, I totally relate. I am on a two-week chemo cycle and week two is wonderful. I actually sort of feel like myself. Just had chemo Tues, so this week is not so great. I am a BRCA2 carrier, so I understand some of what you are dealing with. Good luck. Check out my blog at and tell me what you think.
