Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Perpetually melancholy

When I think about my blogs over the past few weeks, I realize they're actually rather depressing. As a result, I wonder why people are still even reading.

I don't feel well, I have the seemingly constant post-chemo depression and I am certainly not uplifting and cheery. I don't have any insights or lessons to share except to say, enjoy your life today because it could be worse. What a bundle of sunshine and roses I am.

When I'm in this post-chemo depression, it's hard to remember the good feelings. I'm hoping when the anti-depressants kick in, they'll help me from sinking so low. I hate feeling like this. I hate sharing this side of me with you. I hate subjecting my family to this. I hate it all so much.

But it's what I must do to fight this cancer. I have no choice.

Your continually melancholy friend,


  1. ... no one is expecting that you will dance on the table after treatment. Please be a bit more patient with yourself. And I am sure your followers still read your blog. Hang in there.

    Big Hug

  2. Please hang in there Tina...let family and friends help you out and I praying that the drugs kick in soon and you'll feel better.

    Sending you good thoughts and hugs!

  3. I follow your blog and admire you immensely. Given how much treatment that you have had to endure, I think that you are amazingly upbeat. It may not seem that way to you but you cope better than most. I am four years from my diagnosis of breast cancer and I know what post chemotherapy depression feels like and I hope you keep being honest here on your blog. I hope you are getting some good results from all of your efforts and that your spirits improve. You are amazing.

  4. You may be depressed, but your posts are not depressing! We read because we care about YOU. Not your sense of humour, or perceived lack thereof.

  5. I so agree with the previous comments. I faithfully follow your blogs because you are who you are...honest and open. I am never depressed from your blogs; only feel bad that you are going through this. I will keep you in my prayers.

    Lots of hugs,
