Friday, January 28, 2011


I'm experiencing a lot of changes in my life right now. Change, even the good kind, produces stress. That's why I'm doing my very best to approach each changes and situation with an attitude of gratitude.

Not only am I starting my return to work, the organization itself is experiencing a lot of change right now. My role may not be the same and my department probably will be different too. My work, my colleagues, my day-to-day work life may all change.

It's an exciting time, but it's also a bit scary. It can be difficult to let go of the status quo; especially if you really like it. While I'm sure I won't be happy with all aspects of my new work life, I'm looking at it all as an opportunity to grow and develop.

I sat in the hot tub this morning and went over all the things for which I'm thankful. My job, and especially the people with whom I work, are one of them. Even as things change, it's up to me to make the best of it all.


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