Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Bottoms up

'Tis the day before chemo
And my goal for the day
Is to chug back the liquid
And make it all stay

The drug sheet insists
10 glasses is the min.
So I'll raise up my glass
And tip several beverages in

Carnation breakfast for lunch
With a cold water chase
Some toasty broth mid morning
For that quota to erase

Solid food, while yummy
Takes a backburner today
To get in those liquids
For treatment on the way

I need the protective sloshing
And lots of cleansing pees
For another chemo shot
To protect my precious kidneys

So raise your glass with me
Perhaps even a beer
But let's all use the liquid
To toast Christmas cheer

And death to cancer cells



  1. OMG THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH YESSS!! My favorite verse was the "...lots of cleansing pees..... my precious kidneys".
    I may, or may not have, read this to my coworkers. Hint: I did.
    lol - you ROCK!
    And death to cancer cells.

  2. Bottoms up.....Good Luck today!!

  3. Cheers! I'm raising my morning Timmy's to you right now!

  4. A Christmas Cancer poem. Love it. Will drink an extra glass of water for you today.
