Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A little bit mushy

According to the retail industry, today is the most important day of the year to show how much we love another. You're supposed to shower your significant other with flowers, chocolates, jewelery or at least a card to express your love. Today, some big, theoretical cherub pulls back on his bow and aims right for the tender hearts of romantic partners everywhere. Love is in the air.

I think Michael and I actually officially celebrated Valentine's Day once or twice during the early years of our relationship. But for one reason or another (a work committment, the restaurants were too full, we had a coupon that couldn't be used on Feb. 14), we decided to celebrate on the 15th instead. It worked out well. We got a great meal, discounted chocolates and a less crowded venue while accomplishing the same goal of celebrating our love for each other.

As we accumulated more years together - and I think this may be true of many couples who have been together a long time - the importance of this red and pink holiday dimmed in significance. Life's activities or events for the kids took precedence. It was far more important to get the 27 little valentine cards popped out and labelled for the class than it was to find the perfect card to say, "I love you" for my husband, who knew how I felt. I think we also realized we show our love for each other in the little ways we live together every day more than we do on some snowy event in February.

Although, I must admit, I think we also easily fall into the trap of taking each other for granted. That's why I want to use this blog to scratch the surface of how much Michael means to me; especially as we go through so many difficult days this year. He is my sunshine and my rain. He brings me joy and always provides a soft shoulder for crying or cuddling. He's always there for me and I love him with all my heart.

Yeah, a little mushy, but that's my perogative. My words are my valentine to my sweetheart. That and perhaps a sweet, little kiss when he gets home from work.

I hope you have a chance to celebrate love today and you get what you need or want from a special someone (which can include friends, kids, parents, neighbours, etc.). I know some of you will be presented with some beautiful blooms or decadant chocolate, while others may get something sparkly. Yeah for you! I was very happy for the big squeeze from my daughter this morning. Heck, some folks out there even get engaged today. (It's been known to happen.) But I've got everything I want and need because I have two wonderful children, and my husband and soul mate will be coming home to me.
