Saturday, February 11, 2012

Swine devine

As I've mentioned before, I spend very little time looking in the mirror these days because I don't like what's reflected back at me. While my no-eat-and-vomit diet has shrunk my waist and body, the Dexamethasone has my face swollen to puffy proportions. In the whole scheme of things, I know it's not a big deal and no one cares but me. Michael says I'm still beautiful, but he has to say that because he's married to me.

Just to give you some idea of the dramatic changes, I'm posting some photos (apologies they're not the best).

Here's me in June, when the CT showed the disease was back but before I started experiencing the physical symptoms of the cancer. I was dressed for work and ready to take on the day.

Here's me in the hospital, all skinny from not eating for 10 days. I look pretty happy despite it all. It must have been a good day.

And here's me with my fat face from the steroids. Don't I look impressed? What a big difference! And it's even more puffy now. That's my beautiful sister with me as we enjoyed a hockey game together.

As you can see, there's a big difference. It's amazing what steroid medication can do to a person. But if it makes me feel better, helps me eat and keeps the nausea at bay, I'll learn to live with my moon face.

Most of the time I eschew make up, but I decided to put some on when I went shopping with my sister the other day. A very appropriate saying came to mind - It's like putting lipstick on a pig. While that may sound harsh, that's what I felt like.




  1. It is interesting that I read this particular post today, because I just puled up pictures of myself at different points along the "cancer path". There were times I'd put my face close to the mirror and look deep into my eyes...then say, "Karen, the real you is inside. It is the beautiful and immortal part of you. Don't worry about the outer part, which is just a shell and mortal."
    Tina, you are beautiful.

  2. My opinion is: It is important what is inside a human being not how he looks like. Dont worry about your look. You are the same amazing and gorgeous Tina as all of your friends and family know. Thats all that count!!
