Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Celebrating 73

We celebrated my father-in-law's 73rd birthday last night with a BBQ and cake (of course, I consumed two pieces of the delicious lemon cheese crumble cake because I can't stop eating).

In some ways, he looks his age. He's a little white man who is shrinking a bit each year, his hearing is going and he runs around regularly without his false teeth in, which puckers his face. But he's still mobile, regularly putters cutting grass, pulling weeds, shovelling snow or gathering up the garbage. His memory is excellent, and every now and then he enjoys a glass or two of scotch and tells stories.

In some ways, it's amazing he's still alive. He suffered a heart attack and stroke at the young age of 49. His memory was hampered and he still has trouble saying what he means - he explains the word he wants isn't always the one he says - but he made it through.

As I helped him celebrate birthday 73, I thought I want to celebrate that milestone too. I want my children and future grandchildren (hopefully) to come dine with me.

I notice older people more now and want to experience being a senior citizen one day. I hope to be one of those spry, healthy ones who I often see enjoying their golden years. But sometimes I'm shocked by what the ravages of time can do to a body. I've often heard how unfair it is that our bodies start to fail us just when we have the time to enjoy life.

When I'm old, I won't care if I'm wrinkled or if my hair is white because I'll have earned every laugh line and grey strand. They're badges of honour of a life lived.

I hope to be a fairly hip old woman wearing current, but age appropriate, clothing, semi-current on the latest technology and with an inkling of what's important to the younger generations.

I want to have a chance to spend all the money I'm socking away for retirement with road trips without time boundaries, hobbies, writing and books. Of course, I want to spend my time with the love of my life, Michael.

Many fear growing old. I fear not having that opportunity.

So I'm fighting mentally and physically right now to beat ovarian cancer so I have the option of offering my guests a second piece of birthday cake on my 73rd birthday.



  1. I'm planning on being there to celebrate it with you!


  2. Count me in!! Let me know where the 75th birthday celebration for Tina will be!! We will all party it up!! :-)
