Thursday, September 3, 2009

Courage and the bell

When you are required to exhibit strength, it comes.
- Joseph Campbell

Over the past five months, many have commented on my strength. Quite honestly, I didn't know I possessed this depth of determination until I faced this cancer challenge. I don't know from where it comes. To paraphrase Joseph Campbell's quote above, I found the strength when I most needed it.

And I need that strength today as I go into my last chemotherapy treatment. Not so much for the actual infusion, although I hope it only takes one needle, but for next week. As regular readers of my blog know, the side effects begin about Sunday.

But I only have one more week or so to endure the worst of the side effects. Then hopefully the physical, mental and spiritual exhaustion will start to dissipate and my hair will begin to grow back. In four to six weeks, I'll have a follow up appointment with Dr. P. to make sure the cancer is gone.

So I can do this. I have the strength. I will beat this.

I know many of you wearing your Team Tina t-shirts today or yellow in support of my last chemotherapy treatment. Yay! I'm touched and honoured, once again, by this demonstration of support. Michael and I will stride into the cancer centre together with our yellow Team Tina t-shirts for today's treatment. We're stronger together and I feel the strength this united group provides.

When my treatment ends today, I get to ring a bell. A former cancer patient brought in this special bell to ring in celebration of his last treatment. He left it behind so others could also feel the exhilaration of ringing it when they too were done with chemo. I heard it a few times last session - tentative soft rings. But I'm plan to ring it with some gusto because I'll feel relieved, thankful, blessed and excited my chemotherapy treatments are done.

Wish me well today (and a few prayers wouldn't hurt) and mentally ring that bell late this afternoon in celebration.

With love and determination,


  1. We pray for you today! Beat the last cells of Cancer if there any left!
    Love Renate

  2. BRING IT ON....Hope you rang that bell, baby!! Nice and loud!!
