Sunday, November 8, 2009

Funky dreams

If our dreams define the inner workings of our minds, mine is on some crazy trip. I didn't sleep well Friday night because I thought I'd try to do without my Lorazepam. Apparently that tiny, white pill works wonders to quell the thoughts of my inner mind because I rarely remember my dreams and I tend to sleep quite peacefully through the night.

But I didn't take it and my mind went on overload. I can't remember all the dreams, but the most vivid - because it was right before I woke up at 4:48 a.m. - was about hiding in a locker. I was wandering in a room full of lockers looking for something or someone. I had a partner somewhere in the room too, who was on the same mission as I.

At the beginning of the dream, the room was quite empty, but as time went on, more and more people were walking around. Suddenly someone pulled a gun and I hid in one of the lockers. I remember thinking that I'd be pretty safe there, even if someone started searching, because I could hold the door closed. Then I woke up.

So my dream interpreter friends, what do you think that all means? I'm looking for my health and I have a partner (Michael? my doctor?) who is on the same quest? The people around me (helpful or dangerous? health care professionals? other cancer survivors?) are growing all the time? But all of a sudden there is danger (the gun), so I hide and feel quite secure?

Am I hiding from my feelings, from the reality of danger? Do I feel unrealistically safe in my little cubby-hole of a locker? Or am I really safe, dodging the (cancer) bullet?

I think one of the people in the room was a mother, who was looking for her son. Now what was that all about?

And in an earlier dream, I was returning to my in-laws house (but they had a completely different house and it felt like a different era - like the 1970s) to retrieve an answering machine (perhaps I'm afraid of missing some important news) and a loaf of bread so I could make sandwiches for my kids' lunches (ever the provider mom). I'd forgotten these items because my mother-in-law was on the phone. Hunh.

I don't usually put a lot of stock in dream analysis, but I do think our dreams can take our fears, hopes, thoughts, worries, etc. and manifest them into some strange little movies that play while we're asleep.

I welcome your interpretations.


1 comment:

  1. Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.

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