Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The storm

The storm

It formed silently, building in fury and size
Unknown, unseen, unfelt
Until it unleashed its destruction
On the oblivious
Unsuspecting of the impending storm

Denial and fear, shock and tears
Unbelieving eyes and ears
Experts' words, tests, reports
Images on screens
Rapid preparation for the onslaught

The fierce, merciless storm hit
Thick, hard, fast
Driving rain, stinging needles
Thick, blinding fog
Its path ripping, mashing, destroying

A cycling storm, patterns emerge
Intense fury, restorative calm
With each repetitive onslaught
Resolve, strength depleted
Yet winning spirit unwaivering

After the storm's last hurrah
Emergence, rewakening, relief
Emotional status again assessed
Physical rebuilding begins
Joy awakens, hope flourishes

- Tina Thomas-Bratscher, September 2009

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