Thursday, December 3, 2009

A step back

I was absolutely exhausted on Tuesday, which resulted in a wake up call for me. I'd fallen back into over-ambitious habits, letting my mind and desires guide my actions. But my body yelled at me loud and clear that I was trying to do too much, too soon.

Good thing I'm more intune with my body and less stubborn than before because I actually listened to it.

After increasing my work hours each week and then working out six times in eight days, my body said, "Whoa, enough!" I can't blame it. I jumped right back into the fray and expected to be able to do it.

On Monday, I spent 40 minutes on the treadmill (running 20 minutes in total). Apparently, running isn't good for a girl with minimal stomach muscles. My back was killing me by Tuesday afternoon and I could barely bend over. I was so tired, I didn't want to move and then the bone-aching chemo symptoms temporarily returned in my arms. I was a bit of a mess (hence my overreaction to the lorazepam prescription.)

I also realized I was stressing myself out trying to figure out how to fit in work, exercise, kid functions, social activities and Tina time. It wasn't working. So I talked to my personal trainer about scaling back to working out three days a week - IF I feel energetic enough. I turned down an invitation for coffee yesterday afternoon because it would have meant running all over the city to get everything done (although I really, really wanted to see you Diane). And I'm back to taking it one day and one function at a time, with healthy doses of relaxation time.

What I was trying to do wasn't fun and created stress. Life is way too short for that. If I try to do less, I'll enjoy what I am doing my more.

I know it's difficult during the holiday season, but try to slow down and enjoy the activities instead of racing through them or trying to do too much. You won't fall apart if you miss that workout or if the house is less than pristine. I know it's hard, but your body, mind and spirit will thank you.



  1. Like I said to you yesterday when you told me you couldn't meet up with me,,, I'm proud of you for saying no. The old Tina would've raced all over town like a chicken with her head cut off just to fit everything in. Slooooow down, smell the flowers honey, we'll all still be here when you have the time..
    love you
    di xoxo

  2. As a wise friend reminded me yesterday, a step back makes it seem like a negative thing. But this blog should have been entitled A step in the right direction. I just got a little lost but found my way again.
