Friday, October 16, 2009

Harness the power of your mind

You are what you think.

Yup, your mind is a powerful tool because it can control your body. So pay attention to those big conscious thoughts and to those little niggly ideas your brain transmits about you.

Kris Carr, in Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor, encourages readers to write down positive affirmations about themselves. If you think them, you believe them. I'm really good at generating negative thoughts about myself (again, those unrealistic standards) and have to work at generating the positive self-talk. But on my cancer journey, I've always believed I am strong and I can fight.

We've all heard that negative thoughts create negative energy and reality, and positive thoughts create a positive energy and reality. We all enjoy experiences where things go our way. And isn't it funny how positivity generates more positivity?

My attitude has been very, very important over the past six months. I have no doubt it helped me beat this disease. I believe it made my chemo easier, especially when I practically skipped into treatment and said, bring it on. I think it also lessened the hold the side effects had on me.

I will continue to be as positive as I can in this fight and in life because, let's face it, it's no fun being miserable and complaining all the time.

I challenge you, on this snowy Friday, to write down five wonderful things about yourself (I'm attractive, smart, strong, fit, caring, funny, creative, loving . . . ) and post it where you can see it throughout the day. I've got mine on my desk here at home.

Where your mind leads, your body will follow. We all deserve a positive and rich life, because as I've said before, it's the only one we're going to get.

Believe in yourself because you are your best advocate.

I believe in all of you.


  1. I heart you.

    Today's blog rocks hard. You constantly amaze me.

    Have a wonderfully positive day!

  2. Wow....this Kris Carr is a true inspiration. Thank you for sharing....

    Love you
