Sunday, October 11, 2009

I'm thankful

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I've been thinking about all the things for which I'm thankful. God has blessed me with:

1. My wonderful husband, beautiful children, loving parents, awesome sister and the rest of my unbelievable family. They've been an incredible support over the past six months and I love them all. We attended the Thomas family Thanksgiving yesterday, had a delicious meal and good conversation.

2. My unbelievable friends who have also been stunningly supportive and present throughout my cancer journey. I thank God he put such amazing people in my life. Friends are the family you choose.

3. Living in Canada. While the country isn't perfect and everyone isn't as fortunate as I am, it's an amazing place to live with clean water, plentiful food, freedom and government-funded health care. I love this country. Going to a place like Cuba only reinforces how lucky I am to live in Canada.

4. My job, to which I'll be returning soon. London Life is an amazing place, with amazing people. I like my job and get great satisfaction from it.

5. The doctors, nurses and health professionals who've treated me. I'm thankful for their professionalism and compassion. They made this cancer journey (which continues) easier.

6. Those doctors, teachers, parents and others who support our entire family with Noah's mental health challenges. It's a long and frustrating road, but it's easier to navigate with the support of our community.

7. The lack of lasting ill effects from the chemotherapy. I can live with the numb spot on the top of my right hand. While I still occasionally have muscle pain or feel extremely tired, the occurrences are less frequent. I'll have an ECG on the 20th to ensure my heart wasn't damaged, but I don't think it was. So I'm extremely lucky.

8. The reapperance of my hair. Michael astoundingly told me this morning that it seems to have grown overnight. Yay!

9. The opportunity to reconnect with Michael and relax on my vacation in Cuba. It was exactly what I needed, when I needed it.

10. My life. I'm so thankful I'm alive to celebrate this Thanksgiving and that my cancer is in remission. I pray it stays that way.

On this Thanksgiving weekend, stop a moment and think about all the things for which you're thankful. It's so easy to race through life without remembering all the wonderful people and things in it.

Happy Thanksgiving,


  1. Wonderful list! Happy Thanksgiving!! (Canadian Thanksgiving)! LOL!!

    Love you....
