Thursday, May 21, 2009

Bon appetit

I've always strugged with my weight. I joke that I can pack on the pounds by simply looking at something decadent. I need to work out fastidiously and watch every morsel I put in my mouth to lose weight. Even when I do succeed and sport a trimmer figure, I still have the dreaded Thomas belly.

So, I partially blame this curse on lazy genes, but I also have to take responsibility and confess that I love food. Warm, crusty bread with sweet melted butter, fresh apple crumble with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, a thick and juicy steak barbequed and served with sauteed mushrooms, crispy salads with a melangerie of veggies and, of course, the item that should have its own food group - chocolate, in its many iterations.

Much to my husband's delight, I love to cook and I love to eat.

So you can appreciate how annoyed I am with the side effect of chemotherapy that changes my sense of taste. Most food tastes muted and not quite right. Items I usually enjoy hold no appeal. Even my water, which I tote everywhere, doesn't taste good.

Sometimes those undergoing treatment, experience a metallic taste in their mouths and need to change the foods they enjoy and even the cutlery they use (to plastic instead of metal). I've had a slight metallic taste but it hasn't been too bad, yet.

Over the past few days, I've been eating and drinking to keep up my strength and ensure my body keeps working properly. But sadly, I've been getting little enjoyment from it. This is one hell of a way to go on a diet.

Thankfully, I think I'm turning the corner today. I enjoyed a cup of coffee this morning, and my English muffin with raspberry jam tasted pretty good. Hopefully this round of treatment will mimic the last and my major side effects, including the off taste, will dissipate by the weekend.

Personally, I think it's a nasty, little inside joke. The one time I've been encouraged to eat what I want and indulge in what appeals to me, nothing does. Go figure.

I hope you enjoy a really tasty treat today. When you do, think of me.


  1. I highly encourage those of you at London Life to partake in a slice of carrot cake, for me, but then think of Tina as you enjoy it. :)

    Stay strong!

  2. Darlin girl. That truly sucks. Not that I am a chocolate lover, but not to enjoy all your favs, life is just not fair.

    I will definitely think of you if I eat anything decadent. Poor thing!!

    Enjoy the sunshine.

    Love Jane

  3. Mine poorrr pooorrrr girrly...
    I make you meat, you mautch tooo skeeeeny,,, I snap you like twveeg!!! come, come eat now, eat till yourrr belly hurtzzz..hahaha


  4. Nasty joke indeed! I'm sure I can find some chocolate to enjoy on your behalf.

    Take care, Jen
