Thursday, July 9, 2009


I turned the corner during the night and feel closer to normal this morning. Thank God!

I do have some abdominal pain from the bathroom difficulties I've been having, which I will discuss with my home care nurse this morning, and my sore body feels like it's been through the wringer. I think a nice relaxing massage may be the ticket to alleviating some of that.

I actually feel alert, have some energy and the idea of food isn't repulsive, which are all good signs. Logically, I knew it would only take time, but illogically, I felt this was my new life - and I didn't like it. It's amazing the tricks your mind can play on you when you're susceptible. My lack of patience doesn't help either.

Thank you to all who contacted me to make sure I was okay, try to cheer me up or drop off food. I know I'm not great company during those periods, but I do appreciate the efforts and good thoughts of all my family and friends. I'm also thankful to my in laws who watched the kids over the past few days. I could not have handled it all.

I guess my determination that yesterday would be better came true (along with the healing properties of time) and the same sentiment applies today. The weather looks as though it's going to cooperate with my positive thoughts.

So away evil dementors (from Harry Potter), you don't get me any more this treatment.

Your increasingly better friend,


  1. Expecto Patronum!!!!!!!!! - LOL

  2. Keep your chin up Tina, you have done so well. Today is the start of better days ahead.
    Thank you for sharing with all of us over these past months.

  3. That's exactly what I need Max, a patronum to keep the yuckiness at bay. I guess mine wasn't strong enough until this morning. ;)

  4. Love you girlfriend!! Hang in there...wish I were there to give you that needed massage you desire!
